Friday, November 12, 2010

The Best System (Part 2 - More Systems)

Continuing with the next installation of the Best System. It's a bit harder to clearly state/show pros and cons of most systems than I thought, but will try my best.

4. Precision
  • Strong Hands are shown immediately, and bidding starts at a lower level
  • Limited openings, which allows for much better competitive decisions for responder, and for Opener to be able to show intermediate 2-suiters accurately
  • Can be used along with 2/1
  • Allows a lot of room for system changes/additions
  • Can use a weak (or very weak) NT, and not damage the rest of the system
  • Allows for light openings, and pre-emption (Therefore sometimes tough to defend against)
  • As long as you know the system well, you can benefit from it, however it may take practice to reach this point
  • (for Relay Precision) Allows extremely well-defined auctions, where opener/responder can show full shape, strength, controls, honour location etc.
  • Very vulnerable to pre-emption by the opponents (Takes some time to get comfortable dealing with interference)
  • Not a universally-known system (Perhaps a advantage as well)
  • Depending on the level of complexity, it can be a very memory intensive system
5. Polish Club
  • Strong Hands are shown immediately, and bidding starts at a lower level
  • Limited openings, which allows for much better competitive decisions for responder, and for Opener to be able to show intermediate 2-suiters accurately
  • Can be used along with 2/1
  • If used properly, can be very pre-emptive, but yet very constructive
  • Can handle interference fairly well (since responder assumes a Weak NT hand-type), while allowing strong hands to be opened 1C.
  • Multi 2D and Polish 2 Bids allow for a much greater spectrum of hands you are able to pre-empt on.
  • Strong hands sometimes are forced to overbid after opening 1C, to show their values.
  • Some aspects (if playing Multi etc) are Midchart.
  • Not well known in the US
  • Memory intensive, and not much room for changes
6. Forcing Pass
  • Tough to defend against, especially since most people have very little experience playing against it.
  • Allows for light and (extremely) pre-emptive openings
  • Strong Hands are shown immediately, albeit in a bit of an odd way.
  • Extremely vulnerable to pre-emption and psyching.
  • Not allowed in almost all events (Certainly no ACBL ones...)
  • Memory Intensive
  • Very little pre-emptive value to "Pass", and opponents can bid early/often
Will follow with the conclusions in a little while.


  1. I disagree with your analyses of Polish Club. Imo one of the advantages of Polish Club has been forgotten, some aren't correct, and a big disadvantage has been forgotten as well.

    Strong hands are NOT shown immediately, they open 1[CL] and show their strength later on. In the meantime you've only shown 12+HCP. This is actually a disadvantage.
    The preemptive openings aren't part of the system, and can actually be played in a normal sayc or 2/1 system as well. So you can hardly call that an advantage imo.

    The advantage that you didn't mention is that the 1D opening is natural, usually a 5 card suit, and usually unbalanced (except 5332).

    And a disadvantage you didn't mention is that intervention handling after 1C openings can be very difficult.

  2. "Strong hands sometimes are forced to overbid after opening 1C, to show their values."
    This is not correct at all. I have played PC for years.
